How Sundeck Works

Sundeck acts like Snowflake. That means nearly all the clients and tools you already use with Snowflake also work with Sundeck. All you have to do is change your connection string to get started. Each query moves through four steps.


Step 1: Update Connection

To start using Sundeck, you only need to update the connection properties within your tool to leverage Sundeck. It's just one or two changes for most tools.

Works with existing Snowflake Clients

Since Sundeck behaves just like Snowflake, existing clients can connect. No new drivers or custom code are required.

Works with Existing Snowflake Auth

Sundeck supports all of Snowflake's existing auth. Sundeck passes authorization operations on to Snowflake.


Step 2: Pass-through or Intercede per Query

Once your tool is connected, continue to use Snowflake just like before. When you want to, you can start introducing hooks and conditions to change the behavior of specific queries.

Passthrough by default

By default, Sundeck makes no changes to existing Snowflake behavior. That means it's safe to introduce Sundeck in any use case or workflow.

Intercede when you want

Once you get familiar with Sundeck, start introducing targeted hooks. A good starting one? Move warehouse routing from per-tool/connection configuration to Sundeck.


Step 3: Data Return

Sundeck doesn't inspect or modify data. For security purposes, data is a sealed envelope. And if you want to be doubly secure, Sundeck's private results path technology can ensure your data entirely bypasses Sundeck.

Keep Data Private

Sundeck lets you change the query and clean up afterwards but it keeps data private.

No Changes Necessary

Data responses don't change so tools work the same with no changes needed.


Step 4: Take Action After Query Completion

Once queries are complete, you can take additional actions based on the outcome. This lets you respond quickly to changing conditions.

Account for Consumption

Using Sundeck's SQL Post-Hooks, you can look at things like rows read, rows returned, total warehouse consumption, etc. and record those in an accounting table for future use.

Take Action Based on Query/Warehouse Status

If something special occurs, you can immediately trigger further action. For example, immediately shutdown a warehouse if this is the last query and it's a weekend.

Get started

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In a few quick steps, you can start using Sundeck to enhance your Snowflake environment.
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