Snowflake is awesome. Flexibility allow us to get more done every day. But with that flexibility comes a challenge: how do we confirm that we're maximizing our investment?
OpsCenter is a free-to-use Snowflake Native App that enables you to better understand and optimize your warehouse usage. And it's also open and available on GitHub so you can add to, enhance and customize OpsCenter for your specific needs.
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Install it today from Snowflake Marketplace.
Fork it on Github.
Probes actively monitor your Snowflake Data Cloud, watching for problematic patterns. They can keep your Snowflake Warehouse healthy and let you focus on more important things.
OpsCenter let's set up and watch for key query patterns and know when they occur.
Has a query gone beyond a key number of records read, started spilling remotely, or run too long, alert on that behavior.
Is a query just wrong? Or out of control? Don't let that query keep your warehouse running, cancelling it automatically.
When your warehouse utilization changes, it's important to understand why. Ideally you would understand these patterns more quickly so you can adapt. With OpsCenter, we automatically determine the cost-per-query of Snowflake workloads and then filter that information based on customized workload labels.
Warehouse utilization can tell you how well you're leveraging your Snowflake credits. Get a heatmap by day and warehouse.
Understand how often you're warehouses are starting, how long they're sleeping and when they're sitting idle.
Make sure you are using the best warehouse strategy to maximize your investment.